Ščit - Conservatory Centre of the City Museum of Ljubljana

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Ščit - konzervatorski center Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana
Gregorčičeva 3a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 2550

Conservatory Centre of the City Museum of Ljubljana 2006 01.JPGÅ Äit - Conservatory Centre of the City Museum of Ljubljana, 2006

The Ščit (Shield) – Conservatory Centre performs tasks related to the conservation of cultural heritage, mostly objects of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana's collections. The centre expanded in 2000 when the Municipality of Ljubljana purchased the 650-square-metre premises in Gregorčičeva street. Once a month it also opens its doors to visitors and offers advice on preventive conservation.

The experts from Ščit – Conservatory Centre also participate in international events such as the Symposium on Mosaics: Mosaics of Northern Adriatic archaeological investigation and valorisation held in Ljubljana in 2010 and organised by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design.

See also

External links


Ščit - konzervatorski center Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana +
46.048 +
Ščit - konzervatorski center Mestnega muzeja Ljubljana +
14.502 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gregorčičeva 3a +
The Ščit (Shield) – Conservatory Centre perThe Ščit (Shield) – Conservatory Centre performs tasks related to the conservation of cultural heritage, mostly objects of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana's collections.seum and Galleries of Ljubljana|Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana's]] collections. +
The Ščit (Shield) – Conservatory Centre performs tasks related to the conservation of cultural heritage, mostly objects of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana's collections. +
+386 / 1 241 2550 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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